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Home Dental Services Restorative Dentistry Dental Implant Caring for Dental Implants

Caring for Dental Implants
Charlotte, NC

Rendering of jaw with dental implant at Myers Park Dental Partners in Charlotte, NC. Dental implants are becoming the most popular treatment option for adults needing a replacement for missing teeth. To fully enjoy the complete benefits of dental implants, it’s important to learn proper dental implant care. Whether you have single-teeth implants or you have a dental bridge with implants, the right care can help you make the best of your investment in your dental care. Dr. Allen and Dr. Crystal at Myers Park Dental Partners will help you learn how to take good care of your dental implants.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are essentially prosthetics made of titanium that are fixed into your jaw, acting as a replacement for the roots of missing teeth. Once set up, the dental implants act as the anchor point to place the replacements for your missing teeth. Your dental surgeon best determines the number of implants necessary.

This evaluation will be best done by Dr. Allen and Dr. Crystal, who will first examine the condition of your teeth and conclude what solution would be the best for you. Caring for your dental implants is necessary to get the best out of them.

Caring for Single Implants

Here are a few recommendations for proper dental implant care when you have a single implant to replace one tooth.
•  Clean twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush
•  Brush under and around the dental implant
•  Floss every day with implant-specific floss
•  Use an oral irrigator recommended by your dental surgeon

Caring for a Dental Bridge with Implants

While there’s not much of a difference in caring for dental bridges with implants, here are a few recommendations you should keep in mind.
•  Clean twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush
•  Brush under and around the dental implant
•  Floss every day with implant-specific floss, gently inserting the floss threader under the tooth replacement, where it sits atop the gums
•  Pull the floss slowly until its spongy part touches the bridge, moving the spongy part back and forth to remove any plaque or food particles
•  Slide the spongy side up and down to clean the surface of the supporting implants
•  Use an oral irrigator recommended by your dental surgeon

Regularly cleaning your bridge and implants is essential to prevent plaque from building up in hard-to-reach places. Failing to take proper care might not damage the implant or dental crown sitting on them. However, it can harm your oral health, leading to bone loss, gum recession, and implant-related gum disease.

Fortunately Dr. Allen and Dr. Crystal at Myers Park Dental Partners will provide you with a comprehensive set of after-care instructions to follow after getting your dental implant procedure done with us. From the immediate precautions you need to take after getting your dental implant to long-term care, Dr. Allen and Dr. Crystal will tell you every essential detail you must remember to maximize the benefits of dental implants.

How Long Do Dental Implants Last

Dental implants are an effective tooth replacement treatment that provides the same function and looks as the natural teeth. Numerous factors impact the longevity of dental implants, including your overall health, placement of the implant, and oral hygiene. Myers Park Dental Partners uses the highest quality materials for dental implants to ensure they improve your oral health and last longer. Dr. Allen and Dr. Crystal examine your mouth, take x-rays, and consider your preference and lifestyle to find the best dental implants for you. Understanding the need for dental implants and taking good care of them can extend their lifespan.

How Long Is the Recovery Process for Dental Implants

A three to six month recovery period is usual after an implant procedure. Whether the dentist performs the treatment in one session or across many, you may experience minimal discomfort, as with any other procedure. As every situation is unique and every person is unique, our team will provide you with additional information regarding your particular case about your recovery.

Contact Us for a Consultation Today

If you’re facing problems with your dental implants or are planning to get the procedure, schedule an appointment with Dr. Allen and Dr. Crystal today. They can examine your oral health, identify the best possible solutions for your concerns, and implement the right procedure to ease your worries and restore your smile. Call Myers Park Dental Partners at (704) 332-2532 to schedule an appointment, and let us help you start smiling with confidence again.
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Thurs: 8:00am - 1:00pm
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Caring for Dental Implants • Charlotte, NC • Myers Park Dental
Dr. Allen and Dr. Crystal at Myers Park Dental Partners will help you learn how to take good care of your dental implants. Learn more here.
Myers Park Dental Partners, 1000 Queens Rd, Charlotte, NC 28207-1860; (704) 332-2532;; 10/22/2024; Tags: dentist;