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Home Dental Services Restorative Dentistry Dental Implant How Does A Dental Implant Compare With A Real Tooth

How Does a Dental Implant Compare to a Real Tooth?

Image of a woman looking at her smile after a dental implant placement, at Myers Park Dental Partners in Charlotte, NC. A dental implant is a small titanium post surgically inserted into the jawbone. It serves as a foundation for a replacement tooth to be attached. The post can be made of titanium, gold, or other metals.

In comparison to real teeth, dental implants replace only part of your existing tooth, so they don't look like real teeth. However, the root aspect of a dental implant is similar to that of a natural tooth in that it connects with the bone, but it's more subtle and less obvious.

What Are Dental Implants?

A dental implant is a precision-made titanium post-surgically implanted to a jawbone. It acts as a foundation for artificial teeth placement. The implant is first surgically affixed to the jawbone using tiny screws. These screws will eventually fuse with the bone structure and create a long-lasting dental solution.

As long as you have healthy teeth and gums, this procedure is entirely safe. In fact, most patients do not experience any pain or discomfort at all during and after the surgery.

Dentures vs Dental Implants

The difference between dentures and dental implants is that the former is removable while the latter is not. As such, they can be used as the only prosthesis in the mouth, whereas a dental implant can replace missing teeth and provide a foundation for permanent replacement teeth.

Dentures come in a variety of shapes and sizes to match your smile. They can be worn over teeth that have been extracted or even over teeth that have broken or decayed. With proper care, dentures can last up to 10 years before you replace them.

On the other hand, dental implants are made to last for over 20 years. These titanium screws are made to fuse with the bone structure over time, providing an almost permanent solution.

Effects of Tooth Loss

The effects of tooth loss are many and varied. The most obvious is the loss of self-confidence and the inability to eat normally. You may not be able to chew or talk as well as before. Similarly, with lost teeth, you risk dental diseases. The buildup of plaque can trigger germ invasion, causing gum disease. The plaque build-up can also trigger bad breath, lowering your confidence level.

How Implants Prevent Bone Loss

If your jawbone is too weak or damaged to support your teeth, dental implants can help reinforce it. Simply because these screw-like posts hold together jawbone structures firmly, affirming their compactness and preventing bone loss.

These dental implants are also made of a biocompatible material that bonds with jawbone structure over time. This, in turn, enriches the jawbone structure preventing further bone loss.

Dental implants are designed to fit securely into your jawbone, just like a natural tooth. The goal is to use the same supporting structure that your natural teeth provide and replace them with implants. This strengthens the supporting bone tissue around the implant, preventing further loss of bone or tooth support.

In need of dental implant placement or restoration? Myers Park Dental Partners is here for you. Reach us on the phone at (704) 332-2532 for a consultation.
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Dental Implants vs. Real Tooth • Charlotte, NC
Click here to learn about how a dental implant compares to a real tooth, at Myers Park Dental Partners, in Charlotte, NC today!
Myers Park Dental Partners, 1000 Queens Rd, Charlotte, NC 28207-1860 \ (704) 332-2532 \ \ 10/22/2024 \ Related Phrases: dentist \